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A good night’s sleep can be a real gamechanger. Sleep has a direct impact on our well-being. Not clocking in the minimum required hours of restful sleep can result in a host of health issues, including a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and mental illness. According to the CDC, adults need seven or more hours of sleep per night to enjoy the best health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, almost 35 percent of Americans sleep less than seven hours daily. In most cases, the reason for poor sleep is rooted in the bedroom. That’s why our experts at Plank and Coil have come up with this handy guide to give your bedroom a makeover so that you sleep better.

Carry Out a Bedroom Audit

A messy bedroom can result in poor sleep. Experts believe that a cluttered bedroom weighs on your subconscious mind and prevents you from enjoying restful sleep. That’s why the first step is to undertake an audit to identify things that shouldn’t be in your bedroom.

These include too many electronic gadgets, exercising equipment, dirty or unfolded laundry, excessive books, items stored under the bed, and so forth. Also, check your nightstand to identify non-essential items. Make sure to not clutter your nightstand by stuffing it with electronic items. Even if the things are not directly in your line of sight, they still have the potential to disrupt your sleep cycle.

Make Your Bedroom Dark and Cool

Light and temperature play a crucial role in helping us sleep well. If your bedroom is too bright, your body will struggle to produce melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone. A study found that 50 percent of participants slept better when the noise and light in the bedroom were reduced. So eliminate everything that can radiate a lot of light, including electronic devices and LED alarm clocks. Also, choose blackout curtains or blinds for your bedroom.

If your room is excessively hot or cold, the body's internal temperature can be affected, resulting in a disturbed sleeping pattern. In fact, a study has found that the temperature of your bedroom plays a critical role in determining the quality of your sleep. Ensure that the temperature of your bedroom is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit when you sleep at night. Install a thermostat to regulate the temperature better. During the summer months, switch on the air conditioning or the fan to cool down your bedroom at night.

Pick a Good Mattress

A mattress isn’t just a luxury item. The right mattress maintains your body’s posture and provides your back with ample support while you’re asleep. On the other hand, an old, broken, or ill-fitting mattress will leave you tossing and turning in the bed, affecting your sleep. It could even force you to visit the chiropractor frequently for the aches and pains. That’s why a high-quality mattress is essential if you want to sleep better.

But when you go mattress shopping, avoid purchasing mattresses, pillows, or bedding made with harmful chemicals. Such mattresses and pillows can aggravate your allergies, preventing you from enjoying quality sleep.

Plank and Coil can provide you with the best organic bedding options in Portland, and we can help the way you sleep. Our offerings include organic latex, traditional spring, and hybrid mattresses (coils and latex). We also offer wool and coir (coconut husk) mattresses. All mattresses satisfy federal fire requirements. We also offer over 30 chemical-free pillow options. These pillows are filled with options like wool, kapok, buckwheat, latex, and down and help you to enjoy blissful sleep without running the risk of inhaling hazardous chemicals.

Keep It Quiet

If you’re a light sleeper and the slightest noise can disrupt your sleep, place rugs in your bedroom. Rugs absorb the creaking noises on hardwood floors when your partner gets out of the bed while you’re still sleeping. You can also opt for upholstered beds, as the upholstery helps in absorbing some of that unwanted noise.

Try hanging a sound-absorbent curtain on your bedroom door to prevent any noise from the cracks near the door to disturb your sleep. If nothing else works, consider investing in a white noise machine and a pair of earplugs.

Pay Attention to the Colors

The color of your bedroom walls and the bedding can directly impact your quality of sleep. It’s advisable to stick to calming shades such as blue, gray, green, or silver. These are cooler colors and create a tranquil environment conducive to falling asleep. Avoid using brighter shades like orange and red that can activate your fight-or-flight instinct and keep you alert through the night.

Opt for a matte finish instead of a glossy one. Glossy paints can reflect light and stimulate your brain, making it difficult for you to fall asleep.

Make It Smell Nice

Soothing scents in your bedroom can also help you relax and get better sleep. Place electric diffusers or scented candles to create the perfect ambiance before you tune out for the day. You can even try essential oils. Lavender has a soothing and calming effect on your mind. Geranium is popular for its stress-relieving properties. Bergamot can relieve your anxiety. If you don’t want to get a diffuser, you can even put a few drops of essential oil on your pillow.

It’s essential to create a sleep-inducing environment in your bedroom to improve the quality of your rest and wake up refreshed. While this may seem obvious, it’s often overlooked. Changes in the bedroom; healthier sleep habits, such as optimizing your sleep schedule; and creating a relaxing routine before bed will help you get better rest and face the challenges the next morning. If you’re ready to revamp your bedroom and want to know more about organic bedding options, please get in touch with the experts at Plank and Coil. Our team looks forward to answering your queries and help you sleep like a baby.